Saturday, September 26, 2009


My sense of inertia is very strong. I don't mean to comment about my physical mass. I simply mean that I am quite opposed to change. I seem to prefer to stick with the status quo, no matter what the alternative may be.

Perhaps it comes down to being extremely risk averse. I'm afraid of uncertainty - it feels so insecure.

The feeling of regret is also one I strive to avoid. You may ask, wouldn't you regret it if you didn't take the chance to try something new? Well, I can never be sure of what that would've been like. I'm more likely to regret and act than an omission.

The problem with this attitude is that I don't get anywhere. Quite obviously, improvement springs from change. If I continue to bide as I am now, I may not get worse off, but neither will I be better off.

Perhaps it would be advisable to start making careful changes, to take calculated risk. But it's so easy to just stand idle - to just watch life march past you, rather than walk it yourself.

Some things are just easier said than done.

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