Thursday, December 17, 2009
I heart me(n)
I wonder who that friend is.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
O come, O come, Emmanuel
I’m missing you
I’m waiting for your spell
Without you, my heart will fade
I’ll wither if your love is delayed
Come now, come on, Emmanuel
I’m waiting for your hypnotizing spell
Come now, come on, Emmanuel
I’m waiting for your hypnotizing spell
O come, O come, Adonai
I’m dreaming of your supernatural high
The thought of you is making me shine
Come fill in me with love divine
//Repeat chorus 3x
I have been totally enraptured by this mystic remix of the biblical hymn. It's used as one of the theme song in Born Rich, and plays in the scenes of forbidden love between Marcus and Angie.
It's interesting (and some may argue, inappropriate) that a piece about a religious prophesy could be modified thus, so as to fittingly complement the story of an extra-marital love affair.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
To forgive and forget
As with most things, it depends. This time, however, there's a factor which doesn't usually come to play. It depends on whether others also know about the affair.
If it is a private issue, just between you and your partner, it is much easier to forgive and forget. However, when the word spreads, things start getting complicated.
There are those who argue that a relationship is just between two people, that external opinions shouldn't play any part in decisions. I tend to believe that, although a relationship is indeed centred around two individuals, they are not the only ones affected.
At any rate, relatively widespread knowledge of such an incident could only aggravate the situation. It attracts opinions from people who, though undoubtedly thinking in your best interests, may not fully comprehend your stance.
Suddenly, your decision is also under scrutiny and judgement.
Recent reports claim that Elin Nordegren had always known about Tiger Woods' mistresses, but chose to remain in the marriage. I hope she can still stay true to herself after the media's given their two cents.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Love and loyalty
女人的愛是跟忠誠掛鉤的which roughly translates as: "For a woman, love is interlocked with loyalty."
This notion bounced around in my head for a while, as I wondered the degree of truth it held. Was it just another flowery statement to spice up the story? Or was it a concept which could generally be applied the reality?
Loyalty is certainly valued as a virtue. The media's current excitement in revealing a new side of Tiger Woods proves that it is considered a big issue (or, admittedly, simply that the media likes to sensationalise).
Infidelity is by no means laudable, but does it automatically deny the feelings of one who has fallen into temptation?
Like most things, this is not a question answerable in absolute terms. "Cheating" is a broad term which encompasses a wide range of circumstances. Many other factors also contribute. Did it occur once, or often? In what state was the existing relationship? Was there any remorse felt? What are the feelings towards the third party/ies?
Unfaithfulness doesn't necessarily mean a loss of feelings. And by the same argument, strong affection might not ensure fidelity.
Though related, love and loyalty are separate ideas. It is quite possible that they do not co-exist.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Twilight "Saga"
I tried my best to enjoy what I had paid for with no previous bias, but I can't help but conclude that it was an excruciatingly dull way of spending two hours. My sister shared my sentiments.
There is an abundance of Twilight-bashers out there (some more creative than others), and that usually is enough incentive for me to grow fond of something. Quite helpfully, this saga has proven that my strive to be different doesn't entirely impair my judgement and opinions.
I don't intend to offend anyone who does enjoy Ms Meyer's works of fiction. I do know people who find appeal in the story (or at least, in one of its products *cough*E.Cullen*cough*). I respect their tastes. Or perhaps I'm simply too shallow to see the double meaning hidden between the lines.
All I can say is that this is definitely not my first choice of entertainment.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
In fact, I've signed up for it!
Yes, I know it's December now. Yes, I know there's a full year till the next writing window. And yes, I know I'll either forget or lose interest by then. But right now I'm pumped!
I also know that it'll be extremely difficult. At least for me. It's funny, because when I was a young kid, all I did was write, write, write. I loved writing, and I churned out pages and pages of this and that. It felt easy, too. Ideas just flowed through the pen and onto paper.
Then, gradually, as I grew up, my creativity waned. Suddenly, it was a struggle to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). No longer did I have brilliance brewing in my mind, fighting to be born through my penmanship. All the writing I ever did was the mandatory papers for school, and those times were often dominated with doses of writer's block.
Fingers crossed, that'll change. With any luck, the deadline, the challenge and the embarrassment should I fail to complete my task will motivate me to deliver 50,000 words of solid gold.
Fingers crossed.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"The Lost Symbol" Dan Brown
Uni holidays has allowed me to wear down the reading list I had accumulated. One I've just managed to tick off was Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol.
I quite enjoyed the read. I was scoffed at by someone for liking trashing literature, but this was the same guy who wanted to and did read Twilight, so it's not like I will take his literary opinion to heart.
I must admit, though, that Brown does not express himself in the most elegant manner. However, it wasn't his style of writing which appealed to me, but rather, the ideas he was putting forth. I felt that they resonated with a set of beliefs that I myself held, albeit unknowingly.
Brown takes Robert Langdon on a quest to discover the teachings of the Masons. Rather than being under the mercy of a higher being, humans are the ones who possessed divine powers. The human mind hold immense capabilities, even to the extent of performing what we call miracles. If one could learn to concentrate and pit one's mind to the matter, one could achieve the physically impossible.
This is what Brown's novel proposed, and this is what I had believed for some time.
From my perspective, the abilities of the human mind far outreaches what is scientifically accepted. I do believe it is capable of physical manipulation and influencing external events. When I try to will things to work, I imagine these streams or waves of energy flowing from my head to the objects. Call me weird, but I think it helps.
In the novel, Katherine Solomon used Noetic science to support this belief. It seems like an interesting thing for me to look into.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
(500) Days of Summer
(500) Days of Summer is a special movie. It's non-linearity, the soft colour scheme, the mockumentary clips -- all made this film stay a bit longer in my mind. Perhaps what occupied my thoughts the most, though, was the message that it sent.
Tom used to believe in destiny. He believed that one day he would meet "the one". He thought he found it in Summer. Unfortunately, Summer didn't feel the same way, so Tom had to accept that and move on.
Towards the end of the movie, the narrator said:
"Coincidence. That's all anything ever is. Nothing more than coincidence. Tom had finally learnt there are no miracles. There's no such thing as fate. Nothing is meant to be."
The term "coincidence" struck a chord with me. Indeed, it plays such a significant role in relationships. But this doesn't necessarily mean that fate and destiny don't exist.
It's not easy for a relationship to work out. It takes two individual beings aligning him/herself with the other, despite inevitable differences in thought and in attitudes. It requires accommodating for the other aspects of both lives. It demands immaculate timing and an opportune moment.
Not only do you need a coincidence of hearts, but also a coincidence of minds.
And what are the chances of that occurring? How likely is it for a person to find someone with whom all this can happen? What else could it be, but Fate's blessing?
So it is true that it all comes down to coincidence. But it is Destiny who brings this requisite factor upon us. Sometimes we have to bend at the mercy of Fate, yet at the same time, we have to seize the opportunities it bestows upon us.
What Tom had to learn was not that there was no such thing as fate. Fate had simply presented her gift for him in someone else.
It was time for Autumn to begin.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
It has taken me many years to master the method that my mum has taught me. Looking at the dumplings, I was reminded of one of mum's attitudes, which I find myself to have adopted.
Many people labour away for minute details. They expend copious amounts of time and effort to fine tune their work. Unfortunately, the final product often displays diminishing returns. In the end, you have to make a choice between efficiency and perfection.
Jen once taught me another method of wrapping dumplings:
It is no doubt prettier and more dainty, but it's fiddly and takes twice the time. Maybe some would think it's worth it. But mum generally, after ensuring a base level of quality, focuses on improving efficiency. In fact, I've picked up a lot of shortcut cooking tips from her.
So, after wrapping 30-odd dumplings the quick way, into the frying pan they go.
And voila -- a scrumptious meal.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
"I don't believe you" Pink
I don’t mind at all
It’s like you’re the swing set
~ And I’m the kid that falls ~
It’s like the way we fight
The times I’ve cried
We come to blows
And every night
~ The passion’s there ~
So it’s got to be right
No I don’t believe you
When you say don’t come around here no more
I won’t remind you
You said we wouldn’t be apart
No I don’t believe you
When you say you don’t need me anymore
~ So don’t pretend to
Not love me at all ~
I don’t mind it
I still don’t mind at all
It’s like one of those bad dreams
When you can’t wake up
It looks like you’ve given up
You’ve had enough
~ But I want more ~
No I won't stop
Because I just know
You’ll come around
No I don’t believe you
When you say don’t come around here no more
I won’t remind you
~ You said we wouldn’t be apart ~
No I don’t believe you
When you say you don’t need me anymore
So don’t pretend to
Not love me at all
~ Just don’t stand there and watch me fall ~
Because I, because I still don’t mind at all
It’s like the way we fight
The times I’ve cried
We come to blows
And every night
The passions there
~ So it’s got to be right,
Right? ~
No I don’t believe you
When you say don’t come around here no more
I won’t remind you
You said we wouldn’t be apart
No I don’t believe you
When you say you don’t need me anymore
So don’t pretend to
Not love me at all
I don’t believe you
When I first heard Pink's "Please don't leave me", I was irked at how weak she sounded. I was thinking, Pink's meant to be tough and strong - why is she begging him to stay with her? Then I saw the MV and realised there was another interpretation to the song.
So, when I first heard this song, I checked to see if there was another take to it. Apparently not.
Still, I couldn't help but fall for it. Pink's deep voice brings out the feeling of pain really well. What really did it for me, though, was the short "Right?" she utters before the chorus. The tinge of uncertainty in the midst of conviction and resolve provided a contrast which really stood out.
I suppose it's nice to occasionally see a different side.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
It comes,
Lifts me to the upper echelons of thrill and excitement,
Euphoric and blissfully satisfying.
With it, I forget the world - its troubles, its sorrows, its woes.
But then it goes,
Plunging me into a pool of deep emptiness,
My mind blank, my heart confused,
My insides hollowed out.
Up, then down again.
Up, then down deeper still.
Each time eats further and further into my soul,
Deeper and deeper,
Saps away my strength, my will, my rationality,
Steals away a greater piece of me.
Yet time after time, I yearn for that heavenly sensation.
I reach out for its touch,
Its gentle caress on my frail emotions, knowing well the inevitable hurt which follows.
Pain and pleasure, joy then gloom.
Is it worth it?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Divorce from communication
What tugged at my heartstrings was the conversation they had afterwards. It turned out that all the things she took as indications of his nonchalance and indifference, were actually his way of showing consideration and care. Both were going out of their own way for the other, thinking that it was what their beloved wanted.
What they lacked between them was not love. It was communication, openness, honesty.
When two people choose to cohabit, one might assume that they have a degree of understanding with each other. But even so, two individuals cannot expect to know each other's every unspoken thought. If they choose to be silent, then both can only guess and infer, through his/her own biased lenses. What good could that possibly have?
Saturday, November 7, 2009
離婚協議書 (轉貼, 作者:佚名)
我會幫他打點上班 的衣物,什麼襯衫配什麼領帶,經過我的審美才准他穿上身。
因此,洗手台上Hello Kitty和小叮噹圖樣,漱口杯左右對峙,小叮噹的杯裡插著一支綠色牙刷,是我的,Hello Kitty則是空的,因為他前一陣子已改用電動牙刷,擺在架子上。
而擺在盥洗室的漱口杯,他根本搞不清楚小叮噹是他的或Hello Kitty才是他的,他以為粉紅色是女孩子的頻色,所以他一直用著小叮噹的嗽口杯。
原來,我們一直在無形間,做著親密的唇齒交流,可憐了Hello Kitty,擺在那兒沒人用,成了個裝飾品。
「只是因為無聊嗎?如果一個人在家無聊,妳想出去學東西、去工作、和朋友 去逛街,我不會阻撓妳。」
可是 ……
這個意思是… …?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The race of relationships
I previously wrote about the chronology of friendships. Although the situation has arguably taken a turn for the worse, I still believe that there shouldn't be any first-in-first-served policy. Can the same be said about romantic relationships?
We live in a monogamist society. Two-timers are met with a certain degree of scorn and are generally looked down upon. Well, at least in my circle. I have friends who view those already in a relationship as untouchables. Ashamedly, I do not have such a staunch attitude. I tend to weigh up how attractive the guy is with how well I know his girlfriend. The scales occassionally tip the wrong way.
I suppose, by saying using the word, I've already named the right and wrong for these situations. The question is, what makes romantic relationships distinct from friendships so as to warrant differential treatment?
Perhaps the distinguishing factor is the exclusitivity of romance. Between two lovers, there is no room for a third party. While you can have numerous close friends, you should only have one partner. The entrace of someone new therefore implies that another has lost his/her place. Because of this, one must tread carefully in these waters.
Tread carefully, yes. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's out-of-bounds. Before either party has exchanged vows with another (it admittedly gets more complicated after that), there is still a right of choice. Dating is an opportunity to try things out before the final decision, so it's quite natural to make a few mistakes along the way. These mistakes should be corrected, and if it takes ending one relationship to test another, then so be it. As long as you've weighed up the situation, and think it's worth it.
Similarly goes the other side of the story. Your dream lover may not notice there is someone better out there unless you let him/her know.
Perhaps this makes me sound immoral or inconsiderate. And you are, of course, entitled to different, even opposing, views. There is indeed more to consider in romantic relationships than in friendships. But it's still not an issue of who gets there first. A relationship is not a race.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Playlist: <<氫氣球>> 蔡卓妍
不敢跟你投訴 我每天心底的惶恐
不想給你電話 原是你聲線冷又凍
若我那些煩惱絲剪去 能為你織成半匹布
時常為念掛你 而磨蝕了體重
手中氫氣球 要浮上半空只因心頭很高
可惜飛上上空 隨時自爆使你我亦痛
若你太輕浮太想高飛 而難道我只能死心塌地
~ 如無力獨佔你 就試着放開你 ~
輕輕一笑 氣球放開手
~ 彼此都有了自由 ~ 不必擔心失去
走衷心祝你 暢遊全宇宙
一起走過城市 常怕滿街小偷將你牽走
很想裝作強者 然而自信心永遠未足夠
~ 若你太輕浮太想高飛 而難道我只能死心塌地 ~
如無力獨佔你 就試着放開你
輕輕一笑 氣球放開手
彼此都有了自由 不必擔心失去
~ 衷心祝你 暢遊全宇宙 ~
天空海濶 氣球要飛走
彼此都有了自由 不必擔心失去
~ 最灑脫是沒擁有 ~
~ If I know I can't have you to myself, I'll try to let you go ~
~ Now we both have freedom ~
~ If you want to float away to greater heights, is being hopelessly devoted all I can do? ~
~ Sincerely wishing that you will traverse the entire universe ~
~ Most carefree when I don't have anything ~
Once again, a (half)Twins song probably isn't the best to live by. But it works.
A gateway to Narnia
For some reason, I've always believed that this could be a doorway to Narnia. Most mornings, on my way to the station, I would purposely walk under the sign, in the hope that it'll whisk me away to that magical land.
It hasn't worked as of yet, but it doesn't hurt to believe. Right?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Playlist: "Thinking of You" Katy Perry
Like an apple hanging from a tree I picked the ripest one
~ I still got the seed ~
You said move on where do I go?
I guess second best is all I will know
Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you
~ Thinking of you ~
What you would do if you were the one who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I was looking into your eyes
You're like an Indian summer in the middle of winter
~ Like a hard candy with a surprise center ~
How do I get better once I've had the best
You said there's tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test
He kissed my lips I taste your mouth
He pulled me in I was disgusted with myself
Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if you were the one who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I was looking into...
You're the best and yes I do regret
How I could let myself let you go
Now the lesson's learned
~ I touched it I was burned ~
Oh I think you should know
Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if you were the one who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I was looking into your eyes
~ Looking into your eyes ~
Looking into your eyes
Oh won't you walk through
And bust in the door and ~ take me away ~
Oh no more mistakes
~ Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay ~
I used to wonder whether you could openly use this song to represent your feelings. Surely, it'd be too cruel to the poor guy you are now with?
Perhaps, if you don't care enough about what your new beau thinks, then it's problem solved.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The backdrop unchanged
<<題城都南庄>> 唐 崔護

I don't remember how I was taught to interpret it at the time. But apparently, the poet is deeply saddened that, although the flowers are still in bloom a year later, the lady's face is nowhere to be seen.
Though my Chinese isn't tops, I have developed my own appreciation for this short poem. In fact, I see quite a different attitude coming from this simple verse.
The poet returns to the same place a year later. The lady is gone, yet the flowers are still abloom. To add to the story, the birds still sing, the sun still shines.
In the stage that is life, people come and go. Someone may stumble in unexpectedly, perhaps stay with you for a while, then exit when the time comes. But the backdrop doesn't change. Life goes on.
So the poet wasn't saddened that the lady was no longer there. Rather, I imagine him giving a wistful smile as he gazes at the doorway, happy to see the rosy pink peach blossoms and content that, hereafter, they will remind him of that beautiful lady who once stood under them.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The return of the milkman
Apparently, a company called Aussie Farmers Direct were offering regular delivery services of milk, bread, butter and the like to our area. It all sounded pretty exciting, so I ordered a few things.
It was only after I gave Mr Milkman my credit card details that I realised this could all be a scam. The fact that they had a website made me feel slightly more secure, but I decided to monitor my credit card transactions just in case. Luckily, no shady transactions has appeared on my statement.
And today, I received a confirmation email re my first order, due next Monday. They have a really convenient online change-your-order system. It seems to be a genuine service after all.
Now I just have to wait for my first delivery to come through!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
A gift in tatters
In Texas, since the state only requires the schools to emphasise abstinence, 94% of districts did not discuss contraceptive methods. Those that did were often erroneous or misleading.
One way they use to drive the message across is through shaming:
"One district stages a skit about a young couple on their honeymoon. The husband presented his bride with a beautiful wrapped present that he had been saving for years. Her gift for him was in tatters."
This passage really got me thinking about the issue of pre-marital sex. How condemned is it in contemporary society? How important is it to be a virgin till that special day?
I would think that, with so many people in de facto relationships, pre-marital sex is quite common. But given that such a relationship is recognised legally, perhaps it doesn't count as pre-marital sex. Regardless, does its common occurrence make it OK?
Here, as is the case with most things, there isn't a clear defining line separating wrong from right. I don't think the notions of impurity are as prominent nowadays. A girl's sexual history is more a reflection of her attitudes towards sexual relationships.
Context plays an important role. A girl who lost her virginity to a long-term boyfriend would (or, at least, should) be regarded differently to one who has had more sexual partners than she can remember.
And what if the roles were reversed? What if the wife's present was well-preserved, but the husband's was in shreds? I don't think a story like this would have much effect at all.
I'm going to skip the feminist arguments about lack of equality and all that. They're given. Double standards exist. What I'm more interested in is this: What does society expect to happen?
If pre-marital sex is alright for guys, but not for girls, then who are these guys meant to have sex with? Married women? Or perhaps, each other?
Go figure.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The jacaranda timekeeper
I then felt a creative spell, so I sat down in one of the arches and began to write.
An air of serenity hung in the air of this ancient building, and I felt such contentment to just sit there and let my mind wander.
There's an old myth that if you haven't yet began to study before the jacaranda's first bloom, you're going to fail. My Torts lecturer once commented that, due to global warming, the first bloom has occurred earlier and earlier each year.
I sure hope he's right.
Playlist: "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You" 方大同
If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
~ But it never felt this strong ~
Our dreams are young and we both know
They'll take us where we want to go
Hold me now, touch me now
~ I don't want to live without you ~
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
~ I'll never ask for more than your love ~
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
If the road ahead is not so easy
~ Our love will lead the way for us ~
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
~ I love you just the way you are ~
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you
~ Nothing's gonna change my love for you ~
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for...
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Blogwatch: "Doubt" (All Men are Liars)
"Doubts are natural. Commitment to see past them is what matters."
I just wonder how applicable this belief is to a late-teens/early-twenties relationship.
I think it's true that one has to work for a relationship. It would be naive to think that you would be able to find the perfect partner and everything will automatically click into place. You have to work over differences and compromise.
So I suppose the idea is, if the doubts are just niggling thoughts, then one should really just man up and face the difficulties.
But what about for younger relationships? At an age before permanently settling down is in mind, is it such a shame to let it go if things aren't naturally spic-span perfect?
I've been told that youth is the perfect opportunity to try things out, to experience life and to just have as much fun as possible. It is really that important, then, to hold on to something you have doubt for?
Yet there are two sides to every argument.
Youth can be an opportunity to learn about commitment, to practise the art of compromise and to rehearse life-after-vows.
Relationships are fascinating things. Success requires not just a coincidence of hearts, but of mentality and values. At the end of the day, it depends on the weight you place on the relationship, as opposed to what you may gain without it.
It depends on whether you're willing to create that coincidence, or whether you're happy to just let it go.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
An opportunity to shine
I've always enjoyed listening to Ella Koon's songs. However, she was always put in the "idols" basket, and that's how I viewed her. The focus was often her romances, her looks and her sex appeal, while her singing was disregarded.
It took a chance occurrence for the public to recognise Ella's musical abilities. A contestant of the amateur singing competition 超級巨聲 invited Ella to sing the duet "Endless Love" with him.
It's difficult to say whether or not it was a good choice of partner. Ella totally stole the show. Ella's strong voice is more suited to the likes of "Endless Love", rather than the Cantopop songs she usually sings. Mark Lui, speaking as one of the judges, commented more on Ella's singing than the contestant's.
From the moment that competition aired, the public suddenly recognised Ella's talent, and re-categorised her as a singer. It may have seemed beforehand like an . Because Ella had been working on her singing, despite it being disregarded, this seemingly insignificant 3-minute performance may well be the turning point of her career.
Opportunities arise in small things here and there, and we may not always recognise them for what they are. It is only if we are always prepared for them that we can grab hold and make use of them.
It may seem like I'm jumping on the bandwagon, but I'm glad that Ella is being recognised for what she can do.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Powerpuff Girls!

For some reason, my childhood love for the Powerpuff Girls has been reignited. Unfortunately, I have very little recollection of the episodes. In the past week or so, I have resorted to watching the entire series again on youtube.
By far my favourite of the girls is Bubbles. She's so cute and innocent, yet can be tough when the occasion calls for it.

Rather coincidentally, I roam the university in a group of 3 girls. The other day, we were bored in class and decided to each adopt one of the Powerpuff Girls as ourselves.
Before leaving the classroom, I decided to leave our mark on the whiteboard.
Pity I didn't have all the appropriate colours.
A dash of colour
The other day, I was gazing out at the flowers and I noticed a dash of red in the white petal one lily flower.
My first thought was that the flower was bleeding.
Upon closer inspection, however, it was revealed that a rose petal from the neighbouring plant had fallen into it.
And so, by chance, a beautiful dash of vibrancy was added to the grace of the calla.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Thinking back to times when I've felt this green emotion wash over me, I realise that it often is pretty ridiculous. There are those times where it may be understandable that I felt jealous, but my mind would scold myself for being overly possessive. In some cases, it is totally unjustified, such that it is embarrassing to even recall.
I have to confess to feeling uneasy about my boyfriend's previous relationships. I suppose that is not uncommon, which is why people are often advised not to mention their exes to their partner. But from a rational perspective, why should there be any discomfort if you truly believe they're over and done with?
Perhaps there's an element of competition, a pressure to at least live up to their standards.
I do recall a particularly ridiculous incident. There is a girl whom I've always been weary about, even though she was never in a relationship with my boyfriend. She wasn't totally unrelated, but it definitely wasn't enough to justify jealousy. Once, I was in class with her and she pulled out her phone. I thought it was the same model as my boyfriend's new phone, and this feeling of unease crept through me.
I later realised it wasn't the same model after all, but that's besides the point. Whatever the model of the phone, it certainly did not warrant jealousy. I remember telling myself off (in my head, of course) for being silly, and soon managed to stamp out the feeling. What bothers me, though, is that the feeling got there in the first place.
Perhaps I'm a lot more possessive than I'd like to admit.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Dramaroll: "The Greatness of a Hero"
My search led me to warehoused drama <<盛世仁傑>>, which I had given up on after several episodes. However, a few people have recommended it to me, and so I thought I might give it a second chance.
It didn't disappoint (aside from the fact that it only relieved my boredom for two days). The most interesting thing was the chemistry between Kent Cheng and Sonija Kwok. From a purely physical perspective, I could never have imagined Kent to be an appropriate match for the most beautiful Miss Hong Kong (in my opinion, of course).
Here be Sonjia:

And here be Kent:

Yet despite the physical incompatibility and the age gap, their characters 狄仁傑 and 曹月 were by far the most convincing and touching couple of the entire series.
I love it when something non-generic springs from TVB.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Playlist: <<多謝失戀>> Twins
仍然在途中 ~ 只好相信 雨過後有彩紅 ~
曾落空 先知我 因為愛 曾經多英勇
曾為愛上你面紅 夠我閉上大門 在慶功
全靠當天喜歡過錯的人 今天先會自我解窘
~ 明白小小的失戀不害人 更加添我成熟感 ~
無法一起都總算愛過些人 借過你體溫 練習擁吻
留下你合照細望 才知道 我跟他人更合襯
從前學年中 自命情種 ~ 一出手 愛得比較重 ~
來年換時空 應該長進 再愛定更松容
曾撞板 先知我 因為愛 曾經多失控
回望過去也面紅 愛上你似漫遊 外太空
全靠當天喜歡過錯的人 今天先會自我解窘
明白小小的失戀不害人 更加添我成熟感
無法一起都總算愛過些人 ~ 借過你體溫 練習擁吻 ~
留下你合照細望 才知道 我跟他人更合襯
全靠當天喜歡過錯的人 今天先會自我解窘
~ 無論初戀多麼的感動人 更好的愛前面等 ~
無法一起都總算愛過些人 借過你體溫 練習擁吻
明白要讓我這樣年輕過 至懂得誰最合襯
~ I can only believe that a rainbow follows the rain ~
~ Understanding that a small break up is harmless - it just makes me more mature ~
~ Once I loved, I loved too deeply ~
~ Borrowed the warmth of your body for practice ~
~ No matter how touching the first love is, a better one awaits ahead ~
I'm not sure whether living by a Twins song is all that advisable, but the attitude seems a healthy one.
Perhaps the perfect teenage gospel.
Ed Westwick's British accent!

His charisma just oozes off the screen to melt all my insides.
Before today, I had only ever heard him speak in an American accent on the show. But a bit of browsing has revealed to me his sexy British speak in an interview with his girlfriend, Jessica Szohr.
How can you not love him?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Playlist: "Hopelessly Devoted to You" Olivia Newton John
My eyes are not the first to cry
I'm not the first to know
There's just no gettin' over you
Hello, I'm just a fool who's willing
To sit around and wait for you
But baby can't you see
There's nothin' else for me to do
~ I'm hopelessly devoted to you ~
But now there's nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm out of my head
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
My head is saying, "Fool, forget him"
My heart is saying, "Don't let go"
Hold on to the end
That's what I intend to do
I'm hopelessly devoted to you
But now there's nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm out in my head
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
A happy meal
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The race of friendship
Upon reflection, however, it does seem like something worth thinking through.
I remember a rather awkward confrontation I had with another girl in Year 6. She had just transferred from another school, to find that I had best-befriended her (ex)best-friend. She oh-so-graciously forgave my ignorance about their previous relationship, but demanded that I let them sit next to each other from that day onwards.
Quite taken back, I remember apologising and appeasing her. Afterwards, though, it struck me what a ridiculous request she was making.
Friendships aren't about who gets there first - there's no "first in, first served" policy. Bonds develop quite naturally between people, and factors like personalities, circumstances and experiences will determine how strong these ties are.
Perhaps, if I had quicker reflexes, I would've kindly denied that Year 6 girl her wish. I would've explained to her that friendship is non-transferable. Even if I had wanted to fulfil her desires, there was nothing I could do to restore their best-friendship.
In today's scenario, I'm playing the opposite role, but the same attitude should apply. Friendships develop and change - it's quite inevitable.
If the developments bother me, I should be striving to improve the situation myself. Am I not spending enough time with my friends? Maybe I'm not paying enough attention to what they're up to. Or perhaps we've each moved on to a different stage of our respective lives. Whatever it may be, no one else should have to give way for me to "retain my position".
Does this mentality apply to romantic relationships? Perhaps that's a thought for another day.
Perhaps it comes down to being extremely risk averse. I'm afraid of uncertainty - it feels so insecure.
The feeling of regret is also one I strive to avoid. You may ask, wouldn't you regret it if you didn't take the chance to try something new? Well, I can never be sure of what that would've been like. I'm more likely to regret and act than an omission.
The problem with this attitude is that I don't get anywhere. Quite obviously, improvement springs from change. If I continue to bide as I am now, I may not get worse off, but neither will I be better off.
Perhaps it would be advisable to start making careful changes, to take calculated risk. But it's so easy to just stand idle - to just watch life march past you, rather than walk it yourself.
Some things are just easier said than done.
Unintentional imitation
Friday, September 25, 2009
Santa Cullen

They say necessity is the mother of invention. Here is an example of creativity springing from mistake.
In the previous times I've connected the dots (no, this wasn't my first bored lecture), I've never thought to deface the picture. By accidentally joining 46 with 47, though, I had no choice but to add a personal touch to salvage the piece of art.
One thing led to another, until the fully-developed figure was shown to one Jem, who affectionately dubbed him "Santa Cullen".
Friday, September 18, 2009
The resilience of love
I was halfway through drinking when I noticed that the heart shape was still visible on the surface of the foam!
I continued drinking, though by this stage I admit I was actively trying to preserve the heart.
And preserve it I did, even after all the liquid had disappeared down my belly.
A sign of the resilience of love, perhaps?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I ran up towards them to take a photo. Luckily, they stopped at the lights, or else I wouldn't have been able to catch up.
Not the best quality photos, I know. But I felt kinda weird taking a picture like a tourist on uni grounds.
Later, on the City Rd Footbridge, I caught sight of the two horsies' butts swaying off into the thickets of Victoria Park.
A nice touch to the busy city streets, they were.
Objective v Subjective [2009] 1 TPS 1
An overriding issue in class discussion seems to be whether the law uses an objective or subjective test to determine whether an accused is criminally liable.
A recent addition to my knowledge of criminal law is that, to establish manslaughter by criminal negligence, the accused's intellectual capacity is not taken into account when establishing breach of duty of care. The standard is of a person of normal fortitude.
This principle was at play in Stone and Dobinson [1977] QB 354. Stone and Dobinson, both men of below average intelligence, lived with Stone's grown-up sister Fanny and provided her with food. Unfortunately, Fanny appeared to have an eating disorder, but neither men had the aptitude to respond appropriately. Fanny died from the disorder, and the men were held liable for manslaughter.
The fact that the men did not have the intellectual capacity to act as required was irrelevant, because the objective test was to be applied for this offence.
But why? What is the justification of convicting Stone and Dobinson? This isn't civil law, where some sort of compensation is sought for another party. Criminal law operates to punish those who have committed culpable wrongs, or to deter recurrence of the unlawful act. This conviction does neither.
Surely there can be a mechanism by which this issue can be overcome.
Monday, September 14, 2009
To love or be loved?
The optimal, of course, would be that both parties rate similarly on each other's love-o-meter. But you can't always have the best of both worlds. What if you had to choose one?
To just have him love you wouldn't be too bad. He'd dote on you and make you the centre of attention. Chances are, you'll get your way most of the time.
On the other hand, if you were with the one you loved, you can be satisfied that you're with whom you deem to be the best. Perhaps just being with him is worth the lack of affection.
Faced with the two, I'd probably choose the one who loved me. However, I'd spend so much time thinking about the one I loved, that I probably wouldn't be able to enjoy the attention and devotion anyway.
All in all, it wouldn't be unreasonable to conclude that if the feelings are going down a one-way street, then there shouldn't be a relationship in the first place.
Perhaps, in this context, there's no room for a grab-what-you've-got-till-you-can-find-something-better attitude.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Nature's art
Yes, please conveniently overlook the slightly browned edges of some leaves.
Anyway, that's not the point.
I was amazed when I looked closely at the leaves, in particular, its blend of colours. A strip of light green runs through the centre, as though someone had taken a paintbrush and nonchalantly given it a sweep.
You can measure how successful a fake is by how closely it resembles the real thing. Yet an indication of a real object's perfection is how synthetic it actually looks.
Ironic, but beautifully so.
To be appreciated
Lately, I've realised that I would rank 'appreciation/recognition, especially from superiors' as the most important factor. All I really want is to know that I'm appreciated for what I do.
Take my current job at the mortgage firm. As an admin assistant, all I really need is to know is that my boss recognises the help I am to her. There was a period where she kept telling me that she preferred me over her other assistants, and that made me look forward to work so much. Heck, I think I would've happily worked for free!
And as for tutoring, I can be so motivated to prepare for lessons if the students were keen. If they weren't, I can hardly be bothered.
I think it comes with my personality. What I value is simply knowing that I matter to those around me. That I make a difference. That I am good at what I do.
Those conclusions led me to think about my career aspirations. It helped me work out why certain positions appealed, and why others made me cringe.
I can perhaps safely say that I wouldn't enjoy being the boss of my own business. I've always known that. Perhaps it's because there is no higher order to commend you for any achievements. Perhaps I'm just not satisfied with self-satisfaction.
I also think, being a lawyer would be pretty damn cool. But I don't look forward to that, because I have no confidence that I will excel in it. So I'd rather be the creme de la creme of some less demanding roles. That way I'll stand out. That way I'll shine.
Maybe that's not the right attitude. Maybe that's not the way to go. But for now, it seems to be what I want.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Plans for the summer
Things to do:
- enjoy the breeze along Great Ocean Road
- glimpse the Twelve Apostles while they're stil there
- catch a bit of action at the Rod Laver Arena
- place a bet at the Crown
- shopping!
Perhaps if we're not tight on time we could follow suggested itineraries.
Fun fun!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The miracle of life
But if you look closely, there is a green shoot coming out from the tip of that very stalk. Against all odds, it strives to live on.
Life is truly a gift.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
In the eye of the beholder
It seems, though, that my unique standards apply to judging girls too. There are many whom the male population seems to fawn over, yet I find them to be nothing special. Like, I don't find them ugly, but not worthy going all gaga over.
So I suppose I can take that as solace that I'm batting for the right team, but what about comparing my tastes to other girls?
Let's take an example. Loretta Chow, second runner up to Miss HK pageant 2007.

When I first caught sight of her picture (I do believe it was this exact one), I thought she was the epitome of beauty. The absolute definition. If I were to get plastic surgery the next day, I would give the surgeon this photo.
She did get 3rd place in the pageant, so my views aren't entirely unjustified. But those who I have showed the photo were quite ready to dismiss her looks, as "nothing special".
So am I weird?
But now I've realised a problem with my addiction (aside from time-wasting). If I see two really good comics in one "Random"-button-clicking-spiel, I can't post both here, because two consecutive comics would look retarded. Sort of.
So yes, must space out "Random"-button-clicking.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Dramaroll: "Off Pedder" ep 220-222
It's interesting how the most intriguing characters are these three middle-aged veterans. The younger characters, for which I am presumably the target market, are never as captivating to watch.
TVB is running a competition for the most creative ending to 賞賞's romance story. Pity only HK citizens can enter. Then again, it's not like I have the time or the Chinese writing skills to pull together a viable entry.
I think I'll just read (and rate) the entries instead.
And who do I want to get the girl? 余家昇 without a doubt. 大哥's devotion is touching, but 余家昇 is definitely the guy with more character. His chemistry with 賞賞 oozes off the screen, and it's clear that 賞賞 feels for him.
I can't see how TVB can justify pairing up 賞賞 and 大哥, so it seems 賞賞x余家昇 are safely in the bag. Unless, of course, TVB gives the victory to a random guy who has popped out of the blue, in the name of "preserving friendship". That would be a horrid trick to pull.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I tried to put a band-aid over it, so as to avoid contact. But it turned out to be an inconvenience. And it didn't let the wound heal.
Soon I took the courage to remove the band-aid, to let it brave the pain.
Now, it is healing. New skin is gradually taking over the scab, and the hints of the hurt began to fall away.
Will it scar? I'm not sure. But even if it does, it'll hopefully serve as a helpful reminder for next time. A reminder to be more careful, to do things a different way.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Six months
13 fortnights
26 weeks
184 days
4,416 hours
264,960 minutes
15,897,600 seconds
Wow! That's a long time.
Monday, August 31, 2009
They seem to miraculously know when you need some support, and appear out of the blue to try and cheer you up.
It might not be intentional, but they're always good at making me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A return trip to the past
I did, however, go all the way in retelling the past. For the last time, so I vow to myself.
The past should be left where it belongs - in the past. Look ahead!
Destructive procrastination
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
To like and to love
-- P. K. Shaw
If this were true, is it not inevitable that we all have more than one love?
A question of etiquette?
Smile politely? Or give him a dirty?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Do they indicate the thoughts and feelings of the conscious self? Or are they merely creative fabrications of the unconscious mind, triggered, thus related, to experiences whilst awake?
Were I to be unsure of my own thoughts and feelings, could I use my dreams as a reliable guide?
Despite all these questions, one thing is for sure. Those scrumptuous fries I tasted last night - Maccas doesn't really sell them in real life!
Yet another jab
Actor Anthony LaPaglia joined the jeering a few weeks back when he labelled Bondi as "skanky", saying the beach "was starting to feel a bit like Kings Cross by the sea".
Having lived in both suburbs , I don't know which set of residents should be more offended but seeing as LaPaglia hails from Adelaide and considers part-ownership of Sydney FC a sound investment, I won't worry too much about the quality of his judgment.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A sudden craving
Failure to focus (what's new?)
I'm at the Merewether computer labs to "work on law assignment". Distractions can neatly fall under the heading of easy internet access: fb, email, fb, blogger, fb, guy-next-to-me's-fb..
In my defence I have jotted down a few ideas re conspiracy and whatnot.
Wait I lie. Easy internet access isn't the only thing I can blame. Guy-next-to-me's-deliciously-smelling-peanut-butter-ricecake-sandwichy-thing is having quite an effect on my olfactory system. It's also triggered my stomach to remind me of its existence.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Blogwatch: "What they don't know won't hurt you" (All Men are Liars)
Interesting stuff. Especially tip #10.